

You have frustrations. You have ideas. We understand!

At Everybody Advocate, we tackle systemic challenges in special education within our Committees. Our members choose the problems most important to them. You can get involved with an existing committee or ask to start your own. There is no pre-determined way that our committees set their objectives or determine their strategies for achieving those objectives. Most problems are unique and multi-faceted. Our Board is open to hearing from you about what the problems are, what contributes to them, and strategies for addressing them.

When we tackle these challenges, our guiding principle is this: We do it together. Our committees are assembled with contributors from multiple disciplines to get a variety of perspectives.

Most committees meet regularly via Zoom. Here are some existing committees that you can ask to join:

Reading Fluency Committee

Reading Fluency Checkbox

Did you know most CA school districts use SLD eligibility forms that are MISSING one of the 8 federally mandated academic areas of need? The missing checkbox is reading fluency. Until this problem is fixed, teachers and parents will continually be told that many qualified students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) are ineligible for services. We estimate this one problem delays/denies services to 40,000+ students annually in California.
Help us get this fixed!

School-wide Equity Committee

School-Wide Disability Equity

School equity initiatives often completely fail to consider equity for students with disabilities. Help us identify micro- and macro-level discriminations that happen in schools against students with disabilities, their service providers, and their parents. Then, let’s develop a positive, tiered school-wide campaign and recognition program for schools that can help and motivate them to make our school environment and culture more disability friendly.

Student Group Support Committee

Student Group Support

Our students are the future. We want to empower them to be knowledgeable about disabilities and to advocate for themselves and others. Help us develop the tools to teach them about special education professions, disabilities, their rights as students, the history of disability in education, and to imagine and create a better future. This committee is committed to developing and sharing tools to support them in leading their own students groups.

To Join a Committee

Create an account with Everybody Advocate. Opt-In to committees that you would like to receive communications about. More information will follow soon.

To propose a new committee or ask to lead a committee, email to share your thoughts. All new committees and new committee leaders must be approved by our Board of Directors.