Upcoming seminars

Upcoming Seminars


Reading Fluency: What to if you need or have been denied testing?

This seminar is for parents and for teachers to learn about referrals for special education testing and how to navigate school testing to ensure that your student’s testing is not unnecessarily delayed. Early intervention is critical! Research has shown that waiting does not help. We will cover Child Find, the different kinds of referral processes (parent referrals versus teacher-SST referrals), typical excuses you might hear to avoid or delay testing and whether they have any validity, and what to if administrators or teams refuse to test or try to delay testing.

Please register on EventBrite for one of the following times:

June 23 – 10:00am-11:30am (Pacific time)

Limit: First 100 attendees.

Cost: Event is free. Please consider making a donation on EverybodyAdvocate.org


June 27 –  7:00pm-8:30pm (Pacific time)

Limit: First 100 attendees.

Cost: Event is free. Please consider making a donation on EverybodyAdvocate.org



Please check back soon for addition events, especially if these events fill. Feel free to email info@everybodyadvocate.org to request an event.