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Reading Fluency Checkbox

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SHARE! For every 1,000 students denied/delayed intervention, we estimate we need to reach nearly a million viewers to reach their families. You can help everybody advocate by asking others to sign and share

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Register for a Seminar

Did the school refuse to even test? Did they tell you to wait and see?
Did they say your child won’t qualify because of age? Or another excuse? Early intervention is key. Learn about your rights as a parent or teacher and how to move forward.

Second Opinion Services (S.O.S.)

Was your child tested for special education and then denied an IEP? We are offering FREE second opinions this summer for children with reading fluency issues.

Everybody Can Advocate

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Be an ally to students with disabilities, whether you are one or not. Student clubs can socialize, educate, learn about special education careers, support and advocate for each other or for campus change. You decide. We help.

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Advocating for  Special Education

Educators, parents, and students all want better outcomes for our students with disabilities, whether mild or severe. But too often, we feel powerless in our ability to achieve that because of bureaucracy and entrenched thinking. The “system” gets in the way. 

At Everybody Advocate, we aim to bring everyone together — students, parents, teachers, special education specialists, advocates, administrators, attorneys, private entities and more — to make it easier. We want to empower everyone to achieve their goals for helping students. This is a place to find expertise and bring it. We are building community and best practices. We are tackling systemic problems so no one has to struggle alone.

We believe that special education is the key to improving the entire education system. Would heart medicine have advanced so quickly if cardiologists only studied healthy hearts? No! We learn by tackling challenges. Yet 90% of education research has focused on making the top 50% of students do better. Real advancement in education begins with special education. We aim to help special education get the respect, funding and support it deserves.

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Create an account with us to join the community of parents, professionals, and educators supporting special education. You can also find and post listings for professional services